The Middle Eastern Crisis

ASM Shamsul Arefin
has served the armies of Pakistan and then Bangladesh, which he joined as a freedom fighter during the 1971 Liberation. He is now chairman of Bangladesh Foundation for Regional Studies working on the Asia-Pacific Region. Arefin is author of the multi-volume magnum opus on Bangladesh Election and has written a number of books on the Bangladesh Liberation War.
Presently the Middle Eastern crisis has become a subject of concern in our day to day life. The merciless killing of unarmed civilian and children and the inhuman suffering of the Palestine Muslim community cannot be justified with any arguments. Till to date near about 41,000 innocent people including woman and children has been killed by the Israeli defence forces and unaccounted has been wounded. Thousands of Muslim population has been displaced and migrated to the nearby countries. Regularly the killing is continuing by the Israeli defence forces and peoples are moving out of their houses for individual safety leaving everything behind. Food, water and shelter crisis is beyond imagination. World power is observing the genocide and someone also trying to justify the Israeli actions. Palestinian Hamas action is also been criticized and condemned by some concern.
The Middle Eastern region is known as the Arab States of West Asia and North Africa. It is a combination of different nations with mainly desert cultures. Arabic language is widely spoken. Farsi and Hebrew are also spoken by some nationals. Most of the countries practices Islam as a religion. The Middle East was the part of the Roman, Mongolian and the Ottoman Empire for centuries. After the World War I Middle Eastern countries became the part of British protectorate. During and after the World War II, the Middle East has been a strategic factor for the western world. Presently the complex geo-political situation has combined with securing of energy resources and domination on the trading route to Asia Pacific.
The growing instability in the Middle Eastern region having a higher degree of complexity and the conflicts are affecting the countries as a whole. The exploitation of the ethnic identities, the expansion of Jewish community and the influence of US domination in the region has created more rivalry and mistrust among the nations. The conflicts between Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Libya have complicated the relations between the Gulf oil monarchies.
Historically the family of Moges came and settled in Palestine before Millennium BC. Abraham descendent was divided in 12 communities. In the different period the Jewish people migrated to Roman Europe from Israel, Anatolia, Babylon and Alexandria for economic hardship during 4th to the 1st centuries BCE. An estimated of 7 million Jews population became a significant part of the Roman Empire's in the first century CE. The Jews lived in Rome for over 2,000 years and mostly accepted into the Roman Empire.
With the rising Christianity in Europe, the Zionist culture largely contradicted with the Christian society and culture. Multiple restrictions grew on the Jewish community in the European countries. To contain the rivalry the Jewish communities were largely sent to the various Roman provinces in the Middle East, Europe and North Africa.
The Jewish community became an immigrant nation with the Zionistic ideology. In the 19th century Jewish nationalist movement ‘Zionism’ started in Europe and the Jewish community started demanding for a safe home land for the communities. In the 19th century almost 99.7% of the Jews population was living outside the Arab region. During this period the Muslim population living in Palestine was 403,795 (85.5%), Christian population was 43,659 (9.2%), Local born Jewish population was 15,000 (3.2%) and Foreign born Jewish population was 10,000 (2.1%).
The Jewish migration started in the Palestine during 1839 on Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman rulers started modernization of their administrative system and were also trying to consolidate the socio-political foundation of the Empire. The non-Muslims populations also included Turkish, Greek, American, Jewish, Kurd and Arabs. The reform was known as “Ottmanism”. During the Ottoman Empire near about 70,000 Jews migrated to Palestine from Russia within 1903. Due to anti Jewish sentiment in France, 40,000 Jews migrated to other European countries during 1904 to 1914.
The Jews community started moving to Palestine from all over the world. The rising of Jewish community became significant within a short period time.
During the World War I there were Jewish volunteer battalions in the British Army. To get the support of the Jewish Diaspora, the British Government declared a policy for a national home land for the Jewish people in Palestine if the Ottoman Empire is defeated. This British announcement is known as the “Balfour Declaration of 1917”. At the same period the British Government also agreed to “Honor the Arab Independence” if the Arabs revolts against the Ottoman Empire. After the fall of Ottoman Empire the British did not honor the commitment towards the Arabs. It came as an act of betrayal towards the Arab community. After the World War I, “The League of Nations” allowed a mandate to Britain for the “Mandatory Palestine” from 1920 to 1948. The Mandatory Palestine was a geopolitical entity in the “Region of Palestine” under specific terms of the League of Nations. The mandate was design to improve social, political and economical development for self governess of the Palestine region.
The Jewish population started migrating to the land of Palestine during this British Mandatory period. Within 1933 to 1935 more than 164,000 Jewish migrated to Palestine from different European countries. In the year of 1936 the Jewish population became almost doubled and reached around 370,000. The Jewish population rose more than 27% from 17% of the total population. During the period of 1948 the Jewish population became 600,000 and in the year of 1960 it reached up to 1,800,000. Such massive migration was from Russian Jews to Palestine. The British design of settlement was opposed by the Palestinian Arabs and Christian community and tried to prevent the Jewish migration. The Arab committee of Jerusalem declared 16th May 1936 as “Palestine Day”.
The Jewish community started purchasing land with the support of British administration to establish a "Jewish National Home" in the territory of Palestine. The Palestinian Arabs opposed this Jewish move and was trying to contain them. The Arab Revolution started in the Mandatory Palestine against the British administration. The Palestinian Arabs demanded “Arab independence” and to end the Jewish migration. The situation significantly deteriorated during 1939 between the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews. The British Government issued a ‘Parliamentary White Paper’ during 1939 limiting the Jewish population to be one third of the total populations in Palestine. No further Jewish immigration will be allowed unless the Arabs economic capacity is permitted. The changing policy was towards the prohibition of transfer of the Arab lands to Jews and the establishment of a National Government responsible to a representative council. The Zionist underground groups started working against British rule within the Mandatory Palestine from 1944.
United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on 29th November 1947, to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict with the “two-state solution”. The adopted resolution was to implement a plan for partition in the British Mandate Palestine into one Arab state and one Jewish state. The Holy City of Jerusalem will be governed by a common administrative system.
After the adoption of the United Nations Partition Plan, on 29 November 1947, civil war broke out against the partition plan in Palestine. A series of offensives was started by the Zionist forces during April 1948. They occupied cities in the Mandatory Palestine and planning for a Jewish state. On 14 May 1948 the Jewish leaders declared the Independence of a “State of Israel” during the termination of the British Mandate.
The Muslim forces from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria and Iraq entered Palestine and attacked the Israeli forces. They took control of Arab lands and the Jewish settlements. This was the beginning of the Arab–Israeli War during 1948. 10 months fighting continued in Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon. The UN again proposed for a Jewish state in the Israel controlled area. 60% area of the Palestine land was proposed for the Arab state. Israel captured the West Jerusalem. Transjordan troops took control of East Jerusalem known as the West Bank. The Gaza Strip was occupied by Egypt. Around 700,000 Arab Palestinians became refugee to the surrounding states from the Israeli occupied territory. Huge number of Jews moved to Israel from all over the world including 260,000 Jews from surrounding Arab states. The Palestine land was divided within Israel and Arab states. During the “Six-Day Arab Israel War” in the year of 1966, near about 360,000 more Palestinian Arab became refugees to the surrounding states. The Palestinian territory which was the part of Jordan and Egypt was occupied by the Jewish and became the part of Israeli settlers.
During 2023, the total Jewish population was estimated in the world was around 15.7 million. Out of that the Jewish population in Israel was 7.18 million. In the United States 7.3 million, in France 440,000, in Canada 398,000, in United Kingdom 312,000, in Argentina 171,000, in Russia 132,000, in Germany 125,000, in Australia 117,200, in Brazil 90,000, in South Africa 50,000, in Ukraine 40,000, in Hungary 45,000, in Mexico 40,000, in Netherland 30,000, in Belgium 30,000 and in Italy 28,000. As per the Israeli constitution all the Jewish people are eligible for Israeli citizenship.
According to the 2018 statement approximate 51% Jewish population is living in the United States. 30% of the world Jewish population is living in the state of Israel. Almost 81% of the total Jews populations are living in these two countries. During the year of 2020 the Muslims population in Israel was around 250,000. It was approximately 35.2% of the total Israeli population. In the year of 2022 the Israel population became 8.9 million. Out of this the Muslim population was 1.7 million and became 18.1% only. The Jewish population became 73.8 %.
Jerusalem is the core issues of conflict between Palestine and Israeli states. During 1980, the Israeli government declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The international community condemned this Israeli move and did not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The United Nations Security Council declared the Israeli decision is a "violation of international law", and must be rescinded forthwith". On this issue United Nations passed one Resolution on 20 August 1980.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a socio-political issue of the Palestine people for self-determination. The people`s desire are also supported by the military and Para-military forces. The key factors of this long conflict are (1) forcefully Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2) peaceful status of Jerusalem (3) unauthorized Israeli settlements within the Palestine land (4) return of the Palestinian displaced people to the homeland (5) maintenance of the border security (6) rights on the water.
During June 1976 United Nations Security Council took a resolution to support two-state solution on Palestine-Israel conflicting issues. The resolution was an alternative to one-state solution based on pre-1967 proposal. The United States vetoed the issues. The Israeli leaders also refused the Arab Peace Initiative during 2002. During 2013–14 periods Palestinian–Israeli peace negotiations did not find any result. United Nations Security Council again took a resolution against the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem during 2016 and again vetoed by the United States government. In the year of 2017 the United States President Donald Trump took initiative to recognize “Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”. The support of United States towards Israel created more conflicting situation instead of peaceful negotiations.
The first president of Israel David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel on 14th May 1948. He said “We hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in the land of Israel”. Just after this declaration, United States was the first country to extend recognition to Israel as a nation on 14th May 1948. From this period United States is providing political and military support to the state of Israel.
The United States used 53 time veto power to protect Israel against the resolutions of United Nations Security Council for Palestine. The government of United States is the only permanent member in the United Nations Security Council who has recognized the Golan Heights as the sovereign territory of Israeli and also recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. With the design and support of the United States, Israel has become a major non-NATO ally.
Israel is the largest recipient of the United States foreign aids till today. From 1972, the United States has extended loan guarantees to assist the new Jewish immigrants and the economic recovery. United States had provided 150 billion dollar assistance to Israel during 2022. During the year of 1999 the United States government signed a commitment to provide at least 2.7 billion dollar military aids annually for ten years. In the year of 2009 the amount did raised to 3 billion dollar; and in 2019 it has further raised to 3.8 billion dollars. United States is the largest trading partner of Israel. The two-way trade was nearly 50 billion dollar by 2023.
After the foundation in 1948, the “State of Israel” was facing many challenges from internal and external forces for survival. At the same time this new country created instability in the Arab region and became a threat for existence to all. The “State of Israel” was founded under a British Mandate of 1917. It was a unitary decision of the British Government and was imposed on the Arabs countries to facilitate the British rule during World War I and World War II. The Jewish population was allowed to migrate from all over the world to get settled in the land of Palestine. One hand it created conflict within Arab nations on the other side it facilitated the British Empire to take control over the Arab land and the Suez Canal. After the World War II the British Government started facing problems with the Jewish community and almost lost control over the State of Palestine. The government of United States came up to support a new Jewish state within the Arab territory considering a long term strategically plans.
There are many reasons for United States to support Israel from the beginning. United States is having the largest Jewish population of 7.6 million outside Israel. It is almost 2.4% of the United States total population. The Jewish community is having major influence over United States economy, technology, media, internal and external politics and national electoral process. As on today, Israel is having the best intelligence gathering network in the world. United States is having the strongest information sharing partnership with Israel. United States is also having joint-development collaboration on the sophisticated technologies including cyber-espionage capabilities with Israel. Israel is a country with sustainable nuclear power capability.
Geopolitically the physical location of Israel is very important to United States for securing Gulf oil and trading route to Asia Pacific. United States could articulate super power dominance on the Middle Eastern countries through Israel. The State of Israel is surrounded by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Mediterranean Sea. Israel is reasonably secured by its geographical landscape. It has open desert from three directions. In the south the Negev desert. The Sinai Peninsula is providing a natural obstacle against the Egyptians. Eliot-Aqaba deserts in the southeast. Any attack from the south east force need to cross a third country, the Saudi Arabian territory. The eastern side is also secured by desert. Israel is having a space of 20 to 30 miles from the Jordan River. Litani River in the north is providing a natural barrier. Israel is capable to protect any attack from the coastal plain. Israel is very concerned regarding the West Bank to gain water security of the Jordan River.
Considering the war capabilities the “State of Israel” does not have sufficient depth to facilitate the defense deployment and maneuvering. Israeli Air Force is one of the powerful and capable Air Power in the world, but how it manages its fighting capabilities need analysis. With a total space of 8,020 sq mile area, how Israeli defense forces fought so many wars and still fighting with the regional countries is a subject of study.
The United States of America and the State of Israel is having coordinated security and economic ties among them. United States is having more than 2500 firms established in Israel which has employed around 72,000 Israeli personals. United States has more than 300 research and development centers in Israel. Defense and cyber–security industries are having major impact on the relations between two countries. United States and Israel has created a Joint Economic Development Groups to stabilize economic sectors. United States and Israel is having respectful partnership for deep military and economic ties. Saudi Arabia and Israel peace agreement has enhanced security cooperation.
To have major control over the Middle Eastern Countries the United States has positioned his troops in different Arab countries under defense agreements. Near about 40,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed within the Arab region. Looking at the figure around 900 soldiers is in Syria, 2,500 in Iraq, 2,900 in Jordan, around 8,000 in Qatar, Over 9,000 in Bahrain, around 2,700 in Saudi Arabia, 3,500 are in United Arab Emirates, 13,500 in Kuwait and 1,000 troops in Turkey. United States is maintaining one military base in Israel under classified code-named "Site 512". It is a radar surveillance system can detect and track ballistic missile threats against the United States.
The United States is having many Air Bases within Middle Eastern Countries to support the US forces in the region. The major bases are; Al Udeid Air Base is in Qatar supports the regional headquarters of US Central Command, Ali al-Salem Air Base in Kuwait, Abdullah Al Mubarak Air Base in Kuwait, Ahmad al-Jaber Air Base in Kuwait, Air Base in Oman, Al Dhafra Air Base in Abu Dhabi, Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan and Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia. The US destroyer and fighter jets are guarding of the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. Qatar is very crucial for US military strategy in the Arab region. United States is having its Naval Base here. This Naval Forces is the part of United States Central Command and the Fifth Fleet. This Naval Base is the only permanent shore Naval Base in the Middle East to facilitate the Gulf War and also accommodates the US aircraft carriers and amphibious ships.
The Palestine-Israel conflict has become a concern in the recent world history. This hostility started during October 2023, resulting significant casualties on both sides. The inhuman sufferings and displacement of the Palestinian Arab populations are one of the biggest in the recent time. The Hamas forces launched a coordinated attack targeting military bases including infiltrating inside the Israeli cities. Palestine Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas.
Hamas an organization of Palestine is running the administration of Gaza Strip from 2007. Hamas stands for the “Islamic Resistance Movement”. The Gaza Strip, with an area of 365sq km accommodating more than two million Palestine populations. Gaza Strip is located on the Eastern cost of Mediterranean Sea having the border with Egypt on the South West and Israel on the East and North. The total land and the people of Gaza Strip are almost blocked by the State of Israel.
The Hamas movement started during 1987 in Gaza against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. Hamas is having an ideological approach for establishing an Islamic State of Palestine and taking control over the Islamic holiest place al-Aqsa Mosque. The Holy al-Aqsa Mosque is located in the Israeli occupied territory of East Jerusalem. The Hamas organization is having a mission to clear the Jewish settlement in the West Bank. The organization is having a fighting capability with around 40,000 dedicated armed cadres. They are trained on modern technology and multiple war techniques. Presently Hamas is equipped with modern small arms, Drone and including Anti Tank equipments.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was established during 1964 in Cairo and presently its headquarters in West Bank in the State of Palestine. Palestinian bordering state Lebanon was facing a major civil war during 1975. The country was about to collapse. At that period the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) raised an army in southern Lebanon to destroy the state of Israel around 1978-79. Considering the threat, the Israeli army invaded southern Lebanon and almost destroyed PLO army in the year of 1982. Under the leadership of Yasser Arafat PLO reorganized in the West Bank of Palestine land. As on today PLO is a combination of many organizations under one umbrella. PLO is having a military force of 83,000 which was created under Oslo Peace Accords 1993. The Peoples Liberation Organization (PLO) is the official negotiating organization between Palestine and Israel and recognised by the UN. The PLO is having the observer status in the UN since 1974.
The State of Palestine is having many fighting groups to fight against Israel and to liberate the homeland. To fight back the Israeli occupation in the southern Lebanon, the Lebanese Shia Muslim organized a force known as “Hezbollah” (the Party of God). It was founded during 1982. This Islamist fighting group is having a strong military wing. Hezbollah forces are having a fighting capability of conventional and unconventional war with strength of around 100,000 trained fighters. Hezbollah is having its own training camps. During 2015-16, Hezbollah received 75 T-55 and T-72 tanks and other armored vehicles to fight. Hezbollah forces are also having artillery guns and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles. Hezbollah fighters are trained in “Drone” and capable of using it effectively with 50 trained drone pilots.
The State of Israel is recognized one of the technologically advanced nations in the world. Israeli defence capabilities have been strengthen much beyond of its geographical size and population. Israeli forces are strongly equipped with air force, naval fleet, and advanced long range nuclear weaponry system. The Israeli military is always highlighting its strategic strengths and significance in the region.
The Palestinians are having long-standing geographical conflicts with Israel. The land of Palestine has been forcefully occupied by the Israeli community with the help of Western powers during 1917-18. The son`s of the soil, “Arab Muslims” were forcefully uprooted from their motherland and have become refugee or hostages. A long struggle is continuing to get back the rights of the motherland. Palestinian resistance groups have been formed with limited fighting capabilities. The struggles for self-determination are recognised by the world power with exceptions. Palestinian resistance groups form during different periods with limitations. Some of these groups are supported by the bordering countries with shelter, food and limited training facilities, which has no match to the Israeli forces. Still the ongoing Palestine- Israel conflicts are continuing without solutions.
On the 7th October 2023, the Hamas forces attacked on Israeli troops and subsequently war broke out in Gaza strip. The situation created a new crisis in the Middle Eastern politics. The situation aggravated due to Israeli heavy Air attack on the civilian area of Palestine and killed thousands of innocent people including children and woman. Presently the Palestine issue has created a complex security situation and has threatened to the entire Middle Eastern region.
After the outbreak of the Hamas-Israel war, the United States of America took a decisive stand for Israel. United States has become an active partner of Israel in the Palestine-Israel war. United States war mechanism also been activated for an all out support for safety and security of the State of Israel. United States troops which are deployed or located in the Middle Eastern region are kept on high alert to support the State of Israel if ordered for. On 12th December 23, Joe Biden the President of the United States mentioned "Israel's security can rest on the United States". On 18th January 24, the State Department of the United States mentioned "Our support for Israel remains ironclad." The national security agency of United States, CIA established a new taskforce to provide intelligence to Israel regarding Hamas leaders and their activities.
Presently the world is witnessing a physical involvement of United States Military Forces in a war for the third countries after a break. This involvement of United States is on a very single issue (Hamas). What are the intentions behind this major mobilization of United States Defence Forces yet to be justified? On the other side how much this involvement will be appreciated by the world community only time can assess.
On 7th October 23, within a hour of Hamas-Israel war, United States started sending warships and war planes to the Middle Eastern region and also announce the full scale support to Israel. USS Gerald R. Ford with United States “Naval Carrier Strike Group” deployed in the region. United States also announced to provide guided missile launchers and F-35 fighter jets to Israel. On 10th October 23, the second Aircraft carrier of United States with three more Naval ships left for Gulf. A large number of fighting and supporting aircrafts were sent to United States military bases in the Middle Eastern region. United States provided $2 billion additional support to Israel. On 14th October 23, United States ordered around 2,000 troops to be prepared for possible deployment to Israel.
On 17th October 23, five shipments of American weapons and equipment arrived in Israel. On 18th October 23, United States vetoed to the resolution of United Nations Security Council on Palestine-Israel war. On 21st October 23, Pentagon announced to deploy two missile defense systems to Middle East. During November 23, United States House of Representatives, allocated $14.5 billion military aid for Israel. In December 23, US arms shipments to Israel were included 15,000 bombs and 57,000 155mm artillery shells and were carried by military cargo planes. United States also sent 5,000 unguided Mk82 bombs, 5,400 Mk84 bombs, 1,000 GBU-39 bombs, and 3,000 JDAMs. On 8th December 23, US vetoed another United Nations Security Council resolution for humanitarian ceasefire. On 9th December 23, Pentagon sends 14,000 tank shells worth $106.5 million for Israel. On 29th December23, the United States approved 147.5 million dollars artillery shells to Israel. During early February 24, the United States Senate passed $14 billion aid for Israel. On 30th March 24, White House authorized $2.5 billion weapons to Israel. During mid April 24, Biden signed a $95bn security package which included around $17bn in military aid for Israel.
Looking towards the US support to the State of Israel one can easily understands the relations between USA with Israel. The United States support to Israel is an effort to dominate on the entire Middle Eastern region. Israel is performing a balancing between the United States and Russia and the United States and China. Recently a case has been filed in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Israeli killing of the innocent civilian and children. After examining the relevant witnesses the court issued arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials accusing of war crimes in Gaza. The government of United States also stood by the government of Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC). US President Joe Biden said “the United States will always stand by Israel”. The United States lawmakers also passed legislation for sanctioning on the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the judgment.
On the other side, recently the US Commission on “Civil Rights” called the government to address the Palestine issues. The Commission also mentioned regarding 56 years Israeli illegal possession on the Palestinian lands and also 16 years blockade on Gaza. How much this civic movement and the humanitarian call of the Palestine people are going to influence the US government only time can say. Presently the questions are coming “Whether the Palestine–Israel conflict is going to its end with justified solutions, or the conflict will continue till the weaker part is abolished.
The Palestinian Arabs are fighting for long to survive in their mother land. They have been uprooted from their ancestor’s places through illegal process. 100 years before the Israeli community have been pushed to the land of Palestine with the British Mandate under “Belfour Declaration 1917” to support the British Monarchy during World War I and World War II. With the fall of Ottoman Empire the Israeli community continued migrating to Palestine from the different European countries. Under the patronization of the British Empire the Jews started settling in the land of Palestine including acquiring properties. At the end of Mandatory period the Jews declared the independence of the “State of Israel”.
The conflict started between Palestinian Arabs and the Jews community and continuing till today. It is now difficult to predict how this war is going to end and establish peace within the Arab region. Millions of Arab Palestine became homeless and took shelter to the surrounding Muslim states. When the British left Palestine, the United States of America did came up to support the Jews community in the land of Palestine. During 1948 the Israeli ambassador to USA mentioned, the US-Israeli relations were in a “Crisis of Historic Proportions” because of a dispute over Jerusalem settlement plans. It is noted, maximum Jews community people are living in US. It is more than the Jews population of Israel and having significance influence over US economy, society and electoral process. During 2017 the US Trump administration recognized the Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It "destroyed the peace process" and the United States was no longer a mediator in the peace process as they have become a party to the dispute. Now US have become the protector of the State of Israel.
The Middle Eastern countries are undergoing with multiple crisis. The conflicts are not only the reflection of rivalry between Palestine and Israel; it also having a very dynamic nature. The conflicts included conventional wars, civil wars, insurgencies, terrorist assaults and involving multiple actors including Non-state actors, foreign Powers, regional countries, international organizations. The conflicts also facilitated the influence on local economic, changes of political regimes and the competition among the global and regional players. The recent Hamas attack and the Israeli response to the Arab Palestine has changed the regional dynamics in the Middle East. The International and regional players are reconsidering their interests in the region. But no actor is coming up with possible solutions.
The conflict is not in an ending process. Israel is now more aggressive on Hamas for its destruction. Other side Hamas is also adamant to continue their fight. One of the political leaders of Hamas said, “We know very well the consequences of our operation on October 7. No nation is liberated without sacrifices. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs”. Hamas is having a very strong and dedicated grass root level organizations.
With the present scenario it is unlikely that the external actors are ready to address the root causes of the conflict. Israel is continuing its settlement expansion destroying the Palestine villages and killing in thousands. There is no political will within Israel to address issues. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “refused to discuss any vision for a political deal to end the fighting in Gaza”. He also mentioned during March 2015, “Palestinian state would not be established during his administration”. This indicates the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will continue to fester and produce cycles of violence.